Monday, December 3, 2007

Mitt and Mormonism

Romney is finally going to deliver his JFK-like speech addressing his religion on Thursday... He has been working on this for some time, and it will make or break his campaign (even though he will argue that Americans are smart enough to not let it).

Friday, November 30, 2007

Will Huckabee surge last?

Will Huckabee's strong showing in Iowa and South Carolina polls continue for 34 more days? While he is undoubtedly making a strong case, he hasn't strongly stated his foreign policy and military positions, and still has a huge fundraising disadvantage. He's darn likable, though.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ethics problems for Huckabee

Let's see if WD-40 and duct tape can solve these accusations.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Giuliani lures young voters

While Ron Paul has gotten many young voters to volunteer for his campaign, Rudy has consistently outperformed other Republicans among voters ages 18 to 29. But will this translate into votes? No. It never has, but I hope to be proven wrong.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Romney rises in New Hampshire

A new poll shows Mitt Romney ahead by 15% over John McCain in the Granite State.

But does the Michigan-native also have to win that state as well to get rid of the opposition early?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Is Ron Paul for real?

No. While he may be a great case study for grassroots campaigning in a new era and how to raise large amounts of money with little chance of winning the nomination, he doesn't have much of a shot in the primary.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Dems block Colbert

Stephen Colbert's Presidential campaign has been stopped short. I still think he should fork up the $35k to get on the Republican ballot.